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100,000 Party...

The end of June and beginning of July was a big week...  not only did we have an artists meeting in Tokyo... Not only did we attend a great Let's Fight III ( my photos are here, my video is... pending!)  ... oh and there was that Hamasaki Ayumi concert thing too... :-P

But ALSO a lot of the tech team's hard work on improving our reg process finally start to pay dividends...     On July 1st (a holiday in HK), we had the double milestone of breaking 100,000 registered users and also getting 1000 new registrations in one day.

6月の最後二三日と7月始まる日は大切新機軸一杯が有った。東京のAnD芸能人会、 浜崎ちゃんのコンサット、ポール・ウォンの レツ・ファイトIII有った。でもウェブサイトの新機軸も来た:登録 メンバー数が10万人を突破しました!一日中も新登録メンバー数が1千人を突破しました。AnDチーム達がすごい嬉しかった!(僕達とても頑張ったから!)それから仕事後、一寸泥縄式パーティーをした。。。パット君とスティーベン君の家で始まって、後でカラオケへ行った。楽しかった、僕の写真を見て!

We threw together an impromptu party that night... it started at Pat and Stephen's apartment and then eventually spilled over into a KTV in CWB...

Not bad for only a few hours notice... and we got even more guests later...

More people = excuse to toast again!

Amanda says: "what the hell are AYU チップス?"

Off to Karaoke:

Things started off a little quiet til our friend Mr. Walker came to get the party started... :-P

I heard that guy on the left won a million dollars making a shot from half-court at a basketball game... Keep Walking!  

Just for fun,  I got a nice posed picture, complete w/ some sort of spider-man inspired gang signs...

Apparently Andrew belongs to a different gang. :-P

Definitely not the most incriminating photo I have of a fellow AnD member, but perhaps the funniest:

Stephen is WAY into his karaoke... he doesn't even notice that he's sitting between two beautiful women...   look at that focus!

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  22 评论s  0 shares
Photo 37580
Stephens commitment is inspiring heh.
大约 16 年 ago
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 23833
lol i wonder what song this was...
大约 16 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yes but i wouldn't dare put some of those up. . . this was the most tame.
大约 16 年 ago


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007