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0506HK Asian Premiere and Afterparty

Sorry for no blogs since last week!  Things have been crazy busy the last four days or so!


Let me try to catch up! Here's some pictures I took on Thursday night.  Quentin Lee's documentary '0506HK' as being screened as part of the HK Asian Film Festival.  Of course we had to check it out:

They had the screening at the IFC.  Quentin did a short intro and invited up a few guests from the film.

The cool thing was that he also helped us plug AnD several times.  Including inviting a reluctant patrick up to introduce the site to the audience in person. 

Here is some of our crew,  I won't name any names. ;-)

After the screening with the help of Dan F, we helped organize a small 'After Party'.  It turned out really well,  a lot of people came from the theater to chat about the movie.  Very fun.

A good chance for AnD members to network too.  Michael,Shan,Stephen,Byron,Quentinand Sam.

Quentin's got many more pictures on his blog:

A Fab Premiere & PartyMore Premiere Pictures

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
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i took the photo, thats why! documentary: since i'm not from HK, or even chinese, i don't think i connected w/ the issues as well as some of the other people watching. One of my friends who is from HK really resonated with the scene where some police are hasseling Quentin for filming on the street.... others thought the part about HK lacking its own culture was really true, its hard for me to see it since i am not in the loop on some of these things.
接近 17 年 ago


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007