Official Artist
Eric TU
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host
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Smash and Grab|Smash and Grab|Smash and Grab|スマッシュアンドグラブ(Smash and Grab)

So what has been going on. 

Well, first off I would like to say that Smash and Grab productions has received a government grant from the GIO of Taiwan for "The Road Less Traveled".  Out of more than 90 some applicants.  25 were picked to present their proposal and out of the 25 only a couple actually receive the grants. 

Smash and Grab is one of them.

Second,  I will post later.

        |           So what has been going on.  

Well, first off I would like to say that Smash and Grab productions has received a government grant from the GIO of Taiwan for "The Road Less Traveled".  Out of more than 90 some applicants.  25 were picked to present their proposal and out of the 25 only a couple actually receive the grants. 

Smash and Grab is one of them.

Second,  I will post later.

| So what has been going on. 

Well, first off I would like to say that Smash and Grab productions has received a government grant from the GIO of Taiwan for "The Road Less Traveled".  Out of more than 90 some applicants.  25 were picked to present their proposal and out of the 25 only a couple actually receive the grants. 

Smash and Grab is one of them.

Second,  I will post later.

| ※エリック・ツー、ヴァネス・ウー、ジミー・ハンの3人で



Smash and Grabプロダクションが、台湾行政院新聞局から

映画「The Road Less Traveled」に対し






Smash and Grabは、その1つなんだ。


about 16 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares


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english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Taipei, Taiwan
Member Since
June 26, 2008