Elizabeth Lazan
演员, 主持人, 模特儿
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Take a moment to breathe.

Wow, sometimes you get so caught up in the everyday bustle of (city) life you easily forget how important it is to keep your health up. I just came out of a major food poisoning escapade over the weekend and still suffering the consequences of it. With that, you just gotta stop working to pause and REST. So missed a photo shoot that day because of that and it's too hard to reschedule, so there you go, health beyond everything else comes out tops.

On a better note,attended the SUUNTO Official Lauch Party with Alaric Tay and Bobby Tonelli. I had just come back from Europe when this was taken, seems like so long ago but it just came out last month! Also, just finished a promotion shoot for FHM for my next project. Very excited about it. They needed 3 actresses for the concept of this shoot, which i must say intrigued me. We were supposed to be wrapped plastic dolls, and had plastic bubble wrap all over, on the floor, on our bodies, a very static and expressionless feel to our faces as well. Even our outfits were black, plastic or shiny. Art direction intrigues me, I'd love to come up with concepts for shoots or magazines, or even installations. Anyhow, I'll be posting pictures and info about the article and show soon!

Have a good week all x

16 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
sounds cool, i want to see those new plastic wrap pics! let us know when they are ready!
16 年多 ago


Currently based in New York City. The Chef《煮持人》- Selected for the Shanghai Film Festival'10. Film nominated at the 2010 Asian Television Awards for Best Sing


english, mandarin, itallian
New York City, United States
July 9, 2008