Official Artist
Eddie Chung
Music Producer
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Josie Concert

I know, its a bit late but as they say, better late then never... We had a great time although we only did like 3 songs. The sound was pretty good that night. Josie put on a great show and I can hear a make difference in her vocals. She has obviously been practicing a lot. AS we were waiting to get on stage, we we playing all sorts of games in our room. We had 3 paper cups on the floor and a table tennis bat and ball. We had to get the ball in one of the cups and you take the pot. The pot being $20 from each person that joined in. In the end we had more then 20 people in our room and about $300 in the pot. I am not sure but I think JBS won, all I know is that it wasn't me ! Check out some of the pics below.

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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April 16, 2007