Official Artist
Eddie Chung
Music Producer
377,619 views| 216  Posts


I was inspired by Terence's braveness and decide to come out also. Here is the new DorYuk.

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
there's a lot of girls who wish they had breasts like that!
almost 17 years ago
Doryuk 63 doryuk
well, i did the atkin's diet. just ate sirloins and pork chops for 3 months, then all of a sudden, abs of steel... yes i was considering a perm also but i can't decide.... damn its hard being a woman !
almost 17 years ago
Photo 22991
phewwww pheet *whistles*
almost 17 years ago
I hate to say it, but your body is better than mine!
almost 17 years ago
Photo 39462
almost 17 years ago


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April 16, 2007