D.Y. Sao
演员, 体育, 美食评论家
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what a tangled web we weave

Ok so what's the verdict for this week?

  1. Friday 12 PM  - FRIENDS ENGAGE IN AN EATING CONTEST WHILE BOTH ON DIETS! Imaginative D, AYA (producer for ROOKS) and I went to eat at Kabuki Japanese Restaurant. ladies and gentleman...

::dramatic however totally unnecessary pause::

...GLUTTONY AT IT'S  MOST BEAUTIFUL PHASE. WE  both went for the "BEAT ANOREXIA SPECIAL!" ...he had the SAMARAI SPECIAL and i had the NINJA SPECIAL.   this is the before picture... i didn't fit in the screen for the after picture.

  1. SUNDAY 3:49 PM - JUSTICE was spotted in the Orange County area better known as OUR HOUSE

::detective movie pause::     ....     


  1. SUNDAY 6PM - my amazing nieces are TOO cute! i just might DIE!!! Euna's first birthday was today but we shall celebrate it on thanksgiving that way we hit 2 birds with one stone. asian style baby!

Nasicaa is already working on her CREEPINESS. THE REVOLUTION BEGINS!!! my dad leaned over to see how they were doing and euna pulled my dad's head and tried to put it in the circle shape on the box. LOL! as you can see, EUNA LOVES ME YAY!

  1. SUNDAY 8PM - In a humble home in Long Beach, my dad makes STRANGE-BUT-GOOD food.

corn for starters

anyone else eat it like this? this stuff is soooo good. cow tongue, cow heart, cow intestines, and cow pancreas. my favorite is the pancreas. my dad use to be a chef for a little bit in HAWAII. he's really good.

  his handy work.

is it me or do asian FOIL UP EVERYTHING? this is MY handy work ::proud stance::  for the Cambodian special sauce called "BAHOK." my favorite! here it is. BAHOK.

This is the Vietnamese special sauce, "MAM." also very scrumptious. and you can't have a meal with out the southeast asian salantra.

  1. SATURDAY 12 PM - FIRST STUNT REHEARSAL FOR ROOKS ACTION UNIT.  so much good stuff...but man...i can't show any video. i guess screen shots will do.

please enjoy watching me hitting SAM

  • we're all really SORE today *

----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------a peek into the past----------------------

a funny story about my parents and how they were destined to be-MY MOM grew up as the DAUGHTER of a detective that worked directly under the King of Cambodia, King Sihanouk. so how did a rich girl like my mom end up MARRYING A PEASANT farmer like my dad? -social class is of UTMOST importance.

-when my momwas about 15 or 16, herfather took her to a CAMBODIAN FORTUNE TELLER once ( this is common and the acceptance of "these powers" is universal in the country especially in the past).  she already knew my dad becasue they went to the same school and both families were friends.

-the fortune teller said that my mom was going to end up with my dad. my mom's father was in rage. HE PULLED OUT HIS GUN and shot it in the air. the fortune teller bowed in fear and never said it again.  - WHO KNEW  the country was going to be TORN APART. the upper and middle class ERASED.

-who knew the FOREIGNERS, people who wore glasses, people who could read, the intelligent half of the country, and all that opposed communism were going to be TORTURED and murdered. -my dad was torn from his family and ended up with my mom's family.

-one of the guys from the khmer rouge (the communist regime that was responsible) wanted my mom as his wife and so my mom's father said she's already engaged to my dad. then they were FORCED TO BE MARRIED.


what a tangled web we weave

-------------------ghetto word of the week----------------------

escalator - verb



  1. My mom wasn't home so i'll escalator.

  2. Ms. Langer's note included a word I didn't know so i'll escalator.

LOL! man, i love my irreverence for language does anyone get it? anyone anyone?... gilly?...

15 年多 前 0 赞s  121 评论s  0 shares
22475 2009020806404418 dot thumb
That sequence looked really good... I see you got your GAME face on! =)
15 年多 ago
Chou 4f chou
I'm hungry~~~~
15 年多 ago
Chou 4f chou
I like Kongfu~~~If you are in China Shanghai,I want to be your student~~~~T_T You are a Cool,Sunshine and funny man~~~haha
15 年多 ago
Photo 37095
eating and eating... :) have u try indonesian food?
15 年多 ago
Photo 37095
i like this one.... !!!
15 年多 ago
she's absolutely adorable! :)
15 年多 ago
here comes the pain!
15 年多 ago
is there any other way????
15 年多 ago
like a rag doll!
15 年多 ago
Photo 34128
Freak! Me too.
15 年多 ago
Photo 34128
Oh, I do so miss Cambodia! Nothing like some stinky fish paste to make a great dish!!
15 年多 ago
Photo 34128
Savvy makes a killer version of the stuff. I practically drown salad rolls in it.
15 年多 ago
Photo 34128
Isn't that basil. Yummy yummy. We made Pho the other night. Finally found a good source of the right herbs and limes. Why is it so hard to get limes in China?!!?
15 年多 ago
Photo 51946
But... why I always see you eat but u dont get fat???? I HATE U!!!
15 年多 ago
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butterfly 360?
15 年多 ago
Photo 37580
they're right if I scroll through fast I could watch it like a video...oh well I've seen the real thing, dont need to do that like they do muahahaha...ahem
15 年多 ago
Photo 37580
Tight story about your parents. I like how you mixed in happiness and humor surrounded by so much other sadness, and you say you're not good at writing heh.
15 年多 ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
yeah .. i had some friends in HK that ate corn like this. i just never had the patience for it.
15 年多 ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
I shall call you D.Y. Jaa ...
15 年多 ago
Photo 31454
AlfeeTeoh – damn your avatar is tight! D. Miles - I was born with my game face on :P cheekyshooky – black Friday is coming up so you can get a new laptop if you ruined it? Oh wait…ur not in America? Other countries might not have black Friday :D R_A_I_N_A - hate kabuki?! Waaaahoooo?! Why? Workers aren’t hot enuff for you? :P moonchild72 - yep ‘ask her later’. Youre the only one that got it haha. Good job! :D pokedpenguin19 - actually never-been-poked-penguin, most my meals are paid by my work so ooooooh. :P u have that bowl?! Haha. Cool. Bowl twins! …that was gay… silky - the bahok sauce is made of that vegetable I cut (not sure of the English name, in khmer we call it “throwp”) and spoiled-fish paste. Hehe . american born Cambodians can’t even eat this cuz it’s so strong. But I love it. It’s an acquired taste. :P cherisse – YES! Even in your avatar. The lil girl looks like nausicaa. Hehe. So caaaayuuuute! What’s her name? (not to be creepy …but regardless I am) :P
15 年多 ago
Photo 31454
Chou - haha. You wanna be MY student? Lol. okay but when I go to shanghai, you have to take me to eat FOODS!!! :D deal? vanness08 - wow you eat the cow innards too? are you asian? Or who taught you to eat it and how was your first experience? :D Gogi Nebulana - I never tried Indonesian food. …hm…is it good? Well hm… I’ma try to find an Indonesian restaurant around here. So what should I order? Fish Chaar - ….hm… I’m sure there’s other ways to eat corn….i just don’t know any :P haha Christopher Lay - I bet Cambodia misses you too bro. they love white people haha. I know this band of white guys and they speak khmer better than me. Shit, are you like that too? :P so is sawy your wife or something? Juss wunderin. So I called that vegetable salantra, is that basil cuz my dad calls it all “ji” but many types. Angelica Cukon - yeah I don’t get fat. I think I’m 5% fat and I do eat a lot. MissScarlett – the video is waaaaay cooler than that :P. I’m sooo happy. My nieces play with me now. Omg. I gotta buy more goodies for them for thanksgiving heehee. There’s more crazy stories to my lineage like my mom didn’t know she was Chinese until she was 18. :P no joke.
15 年多 ago
Photo 31454
Dreamy - yeah come hang out and eat :P where are you located anyways? peachey and janechu – I think they might have had some feelings seeing that my dad is a really helpful guy and she said he looked really handsome when he was young. My mom was really light skinned since she’s 100% Chinese and back in Cambodia, light skin is considered really gorgeous and so I bet they we attracted but it just so happens that they had no choice also hehe. Jey Tong - actually I did an aerial twist but when you do it towards someone intending to kick them, I guess its kinda messy. :P Melly – I’d like to hear a few of the jokes in your mind :P lessee if I can take em ;P I can actually do my jumps a lot better if I don’t have to barrel into someone. It WAS painful, I think that one made his neck sore for a day hehe it’s kew, I bought him lunch :P Justice Vancho - I think you know what I’m talking about cuz you hear me speak. I just write how I talk and that’s not good. I know cuz I don’t do well on term papers :P narom - d.y. jaa…. Haha…you forgot my name so fast j/k :D luvli - awww…stop being sweet. :D I keel you. yes, how did such sweet people have an evil baby like me :D…time to plot the world’s demise! Muahhahahaha. Do I seem like I’m in disrepair?! :P gilgamesh – my dad taught me to cook when I was 10. I love eating and cooking. The foil is a reference from the movie “signs” right? Oh man I love that part. Haha. enigma306 – escalator simply means “ask her later” :P I kno I kno. I’m stupid. The aluminum foil is to keep things clean in the house. Works really well to preserve the house. :P bahok is that vegetable with spoiled-fish paste that you can get at Cambodian market. It’s an acquired taste. Even Cambodians born in America cannot stand eating it. But I love that thing. “mam” is just fish sauce with salt, lemon and sugar and garlic and hot chili peppers. I think someone has to show you how to eat it cuz you must eat it with something.
15 年多 ago


"One day I will die SO today I will eat." –D.Y.


Los Angeles, United States
June 5, 2007