but first, DARY's and JOHN's engagement party pics.
Thanks for spending so much money for my sister, JOHN I've always considered you family anyways, so not much will change haha. the ABUSE shall continue
The REASON why I've been so happy in the days of late... because SHE is happy.
4TH of JULY at the park. it was SOOO FUN! did anyone notice TIFFY?
I haven't seen her in 9 months. we saw each other for a day then back she goes.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!!! she's Yuna's great-grandmother. Yuna's great-great-grandmother is still alive too. getting closer to 100
look what she sent me! girls magnets, i mean fridge magnets!
EAT ME! literally. ... well, the pg-13 way to not be confused.. with... nm.
SORRY for the time it has taken to settle this film.
There are legal issues that we must resolve to avoid getting sued, however ACTION ON FILM fESTIVAL has viewed our film and a fan mounted an On The Edge Poster we all signed at the screening.
At the Screening. i think i mighta over-dressed a lil bit, dont u think?
i swear there was no girl there when i took the pic, she's a ghost.
The history channel thing i did is on dvd. dont buy it please. LOL!
SO D MILES, TOMMY, and I went to prison. SAM was already there.
sorry, i left my guns at home.
"One day I will die SO today I will eat." –D.Y.