Alexander Playsted
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Howdy!  Soooo, another useful web page to use.  Another few hours a week my current job will lose from me.  Is there going to be a page to end all pages?  Doubt it.  I reckon, as in fashion and music, everything runs in cycles, so somewhere down the track, if we can remember how to write and how to buy stamps, we'll be writing and posting formal invites etc to each other.  I always loved the feeling of getting something in my post box.  Especially records.

I am DJ Forest, of Juice Pioneer Regional DJ Quest champion '07 fame, and one half of the Dumb Boat Ninjas DJ duo.  I've been in HK for about 3 years, and landed with the hope of learning to DJ.  2.5 years down the track I've done so much more than I'd hoped back then, and now play in a few joints around the city, namely Cliq, Evisu, and Aqua, currently.  As I said, I have been part of the duo Dumb Boat Ninjas, but just this week Anthony45 has flown away to Spain to find his girlfriend, so that chapter has closed for the meanwhile.  No worries though!  There's plenty going on.

I'm not completely savvy with alivenotdead yet but am looking forward to seeing what it's all about.  I hope you're day is really good.  Peace out for now.

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Hong Kong
March 5, 2008