Blog from Brazil: Lady Bloodsport Dasz, discípulo de Mestre Leo Imamura que reside em Hong Kong, retorna ao BLOG DO PEREIRA com o anúncio de mais uma incrível produção em que está envolvido chamada "LADY BLOODSPORT". No qual participará como Diretor Assistente das cenas de Ação. O filme contará com artes marciais como: Sanda, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Boxing, Capoeira, Judo, Karate, Traditional Chinese Kung Fu, Burman Boxing, BJJ, Penjat Silat, Hung Kuen, etc... E inclusive Ving Tsun, que segundo Andrew : "......"
Andrew Dasz, disciple of Master Leo Imamura who resides in Hong Kong, returns to BLOG PEREIRA with the announcement of another amazing production that he is involved in called "LADY BLOODSPORT". In which he participates Action Director Assistant. The film will feature martial arts like: Sanda, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Boxing, Capoeira, Judo, Karate, Traditional Chinese Kung Fu, Burman Boxing, BJJ, Penjat Silat, Hung Kuen, etc ... And even Ving Tsun, which according to Andrew: "... ..."
Andrew Dasz Moy Hei Lock 梅喜樂 KUNG FU GRUPO Acting - Fight Action Choreographys 詠春武術教練 武術動作演員