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Andres Useche
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What passes for a debate on MSNBC

Why did the press try to keep the race feud goin? I'm glad they got heckled. I noticed Edwards and Clinton did the typical politician thing by obviously trying to answer with another endearing quality when asked for a weakness. Obama was more honest in this question and when Hillary tried to hit back and connect him to Bush, Obama was effective in quickly pointing out a big difference: You can be efficiently bureaucratic and prompt at executing the WRONG ideas.I think a question in which Edwards could have defended himself much better was when they asked about competing with two historic candidacies. I'm glad he was proud of his party for being at the forefront of equality but his wife Elizabeth said it best in an interview with Chris Mathews: Democrats fought in the sixties for the right of women and African Americans to compete on an even playing field, to be considered equally, not under or above their male white counterparts and now it's time to choose based on issues. This is exactly how I view it. I appreciate the symbolic significance of an Obama or Clinton win, but too much at stake to choose merely because gender or race. Barack (along with my other favorite, Kucinich)made a good case in the debate for being evaluated on the basis of his merits, not his race. But where was Kucinich? He would have had the guts to ask the hard questions and confront some of the other candidates' mediocre alternatives. It would have been an eye-opener and definitely more lively television if he had been there. Too bad NBC excluded him.

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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