Andres Useche
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Fair Play at the American Film Market

At the American Film Market, held here in Santa Monica this past week, I attended the private screening of a cool French film called Fair Play. Unfortunately, you won't find it in theaters just yet, but I bet the filmmakers were able secure a distribution deal at the event. They should have. I for one thoroughly enjoyed it. I won't spoil it for you, suffice it to say that it deals with the rapacious competitive nature exalted in capitalistic societies, and it's told through a highly engaging life-and-death scenario. I was very impressed with the acting caliber and the realism achieved even in almost melodramatic situations. Ditto for the endurance necessary to carry this shoot. The last half of the film is set in an extremely perilous environment and kudos must given to the actors and crew for pulling this off in such

harsh conditions.

Incidentally, I was in attendance at the AFM that day to meet with someone from the French film industry, but he wasn't involved in anyway with this particular project,( I don't even know if he's seen it) and I've no relation or even contact with the filmmakers. So this note came to be only out of my appreciation for this film's quality as an audience member. I thought its study of greed and morality faithfully depicts the mind frame that motivates not only individuals but often entire nations.

On the other hand, the meeting prompted a quick rough draft of my current screenplay to which I better get to.

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I make films, music and art. http://andresuseche.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/andres1


Los Angeles, United States
September 16, 2008