To be successful, you have to be organized and have a plan. So, I decided to be more business minded. I am sick of hearing people ” aiko, are you paying attention to me?” my answeer is, no. Unless they are talking about methopotamian culture and Who is really general Tso of general tso chicken? I mean is he Kernel Sanders of China?(Answer is “he was a statesman and military leader. They say his wife used to cook the dish to serve him and his officers for military victory , but most likely he never tasted it. Now, I must go on long journey to find out who is pad of pad tai. ) Anyway, I decided to make a list to be more organized. In advanced. It is March. March mango madness.
Aiko’s Christmas wish list
Yasuko stays forever.
National thingy on ebay
car to be fixed
Dog(hypo allergic and doesn’t hump, shed, bark. licks my toe is ok.)
Dear santa, I know it is very selfish thing to ask, but I do love fashion, and is it ok if I say shopping for clothes. and shoes.
hapiness. for everyone.
Home depo card for those in need including me.
Hawaii trip( last time was most fun with all the girls. karaoke, moment on the plane, etc.)