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48 hour film competition
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LAST CALL for filmmakers and actors!

The 3rd edition of the Hong Kong 48 Hour Film Project is kicking off this Friday!

Are you up for an intense, sleepless weekend of creativity, resourcefulness, blood, sweat and tears?  Then come out and make a film in 48 hours! 

There's still time to sign up your team at www.48hourfilm.com/hongkong

Or if you are looking for a team, send an email to hongkong@48hourfilm.com and we will hook you up - we currently have people on standby looking to fill a few extra roles on their teams!

Sign up by Wednesday and come to our complimentary workshop at the IAFT (www.iaft.hk), where we will review the basics with you, including everything you need on your equipment checklist and where to find coffee at 5am.

Are you up for joining one of our teams as an actor? If you're available this upcoming weekend, Oct 19 - 21 (but especially Oct 20 - Saturday - when most of the shooting will be taking place), let us know! Drop us a line with your contact details and availability at hongkong@48hourfilm.com  

Any questions?  Drop em here: hongkong@48hourfilm.com

Or reach out to the community at our Facebook group:  Hong Kong 48 Hour Film Project Follow the weekend craziness via our live-tweet @48hourfilmhk

over 12 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
October 14, 2009