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HAF 2013 Project Submission Deadline Extended to Nov 5

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The Hong Kong - Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF) has become Asia's premier film financing platform where filmmakers and producers connect with international financiers and other industry players every year. HAF has passed a decade of success and now enters its 11 th edition. The 11 th edition will take place during 18-20 March 2013 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, and we cordially invite you to submit your film project to be part of this world-renowned event and win our prestigious cash and in-kind awards.


In view of overwhelming response, we have extended the deadline for project to 5 th Nov 2012 . Up to HK$350,000 cash awards with HAF Award, HAF Script Development Fund, and HAF/FOX Chinese Film Development Award will be given to projects with outstanding originality.


Information on selection criteria and required materials is available at http://www.haf.org.hk/haf/submission.htm. Apply now at http://www.haf.org.hk/projectentry13/hafappform.asp to capitalize on the various opportunities at the HAF. It would be very much grateful if you can also help spread this exciting news to your friends and colleagues!


For more information about HAF, please visit www.haf.org.hk, or contact us at haf@hkiff.org.hk.

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