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We Did it!|我們做到了!|我们做到了!

Wow. Rocked it last night! The crowd was amazing. They were partying with us the whole time and that gave us the energy to step up and rock hard. So dope. It's been a minute since we had to perform so many songs but we pulled through. In the end, there was good vibes all around. Really got to thanks lots of people who helped make it happen. First, shout-out to Kolor and show producer Candy; great to work with y'all and we all rocked it! Next, can't forget the dudes that helped make our sound heavy and fuller; Brother Ray Vaughn on Bass, Kevin Jai on Drums and from the 853 DJ Spyzi Trix; you guys rock! Next up is Revolution crew; you guys are tops! Honorable mention goes to Lorna and Henry for taking care of us every step of the way...well done guys!Alright, lastly all our friends and fans that came to support! We hope you had as much fun as we did! You guys are the best. Mad Love! Cool, MOOV Live is next in January and then our new album in February! Stay tuned! Until then, Merry Holidays and Happy New Year![](/attachments/2010/12/22/13/62_201012221314031.thumb.jpg)photo by: Paul Wu | 喔!昨晚棒極了!所有人都很棒,大家整晚都在和我們互動,這給我們力量使表演更加快速和有力。所以很棒啊。很長時間我們不得不連著表演很多首歌,但都挺過來了。最後,全場的氣氛很好啊。真的要對幫助我們完成此次演出的朋友致以謝意。首先,感謝Kolor及演出制作人Candy;和你們一起工作很棒,我們都很享受!其次,不應忘記幫助我們使音效更重更有張力的朋友們,貝斯手Brother Ray Vaughn,鼓手Kevin Jai和來自853的DJ Spyzi Trix;你們大家都很棒!再次要感謝Revolution組合,你們是最好的!還要對Lona和Henry致敬,感謝你們全方位的關心和照顧。。。大夥兒都很出色!

       好,最後要對所有前來支持我們的朋友和歌迷們說,我們希望你們和我們一樣快樂,你們是最棒的,癡狂的愛啊!酷,一月份將有MOOV Live,接著是二月的新專輯!別走開!最後,祝假期愉快、新年快樂!photo by: Paul Wu| 喔!昨晚棒极了!所有人都很棒,大家整晚都在和我们互动,这给我们力量使表演更加快速和有力。所以很棒啊。很长时间我们不得不连着表演很多首歌,但都挺过来了。最后,全场的气氛很好啊。真的要对帮助我们完成此次演出的朋友致以谢意。首先,感谢Kolor及演出制作人Candy;和你们一起工作很棒,我们都很享受!其次,不应忘记帮助我们使音效更重更有张力的朋友们,贝斯手Brother Ray Vaughn,鼓手Kevin Jai和来自853的DJ Spyzi Trix;你们大家都很棒!再次要感谢Revolution组合,你们是最好的!还要对Lona和Henry致敬,感谢你们全方位的关心和照顾。。。大伙儿都很出色!

       好,最后要对所有前来支持我们的朋友和歌迷们说,我们希望你们和我们一样快乐,你们是最棒的,痴狂的爱啊!酷,一月份将有MOOV Live,接着是二月的新专辑!别走开!最后,祝假期愉快、新年快乐!photo by: Paul Wu

接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
congrats guys! you're bad ass super stars!
接近 14 年 ago
Prodipleung 6a prodipleung
ho yeah !
接近 14 年 ago
01 04 andrew
congradulations guys. Miss you all.
接近 14 年 ago
Photo 505164
Awesome show! You guys rocked the entire show! Word!
接近 14 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 10, 2007