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Thx to all our peeps that came to check out our MOOV Live! Hope you enjoyed it! Will be on Now TV and MOOV Live so, check it out soon! Cheers|感謝所有的歌迷來看我們MOOV LIVE!希望你們喜歡!NOW TV和MOOV LIVE so會播出,請查看!歡呼

Thx to all our peeps that came to check out our MOOV Live! Hope you enjoyed it! Will be on Now TV and MOOV Live so, check it out soon! Cheers |感謝所有的歌迷來看我們MOOV LIVE!希望你們喜歡!NOW TV和MOOV LIVE so會播出,請查看!歡呼|感谢所有的歌迷来看我们MOOV LIVE!希望你们喜欢!NOW TV和MOOV LIVE so会播出,请查看!欢呼

over 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Hong Kong
Member Since
April 10, 2007