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Milk Interview with 24Herbs

Below is an interview of 24Herb in Milk issue 274:

B=Brian Siswojo    D=Drunk    GS=Ghost Style    K=Kit    P=Phat

What is the meaning of “Ya Sei Mei?”

B: The name in English is 24HERBS! Why? Cause it's not easy to take but it's good for you! We say what we want to say and sometimes the truth hurts! We are here to have fun and hopefully bring happiness and fun to everybody.

D: Hard to drink but good for you, sometimes the truth is bitter to swallow! We wanted a name that represented the group and was more fun and party. We have 2 locals, Indo-Chinese, Aussie-Chinese, Canadian-Chinese, but the main point is that we're all Chinese!

K: This name was interesting and it's something specific to Hong Kong.

P: 24 HERBS is a good thing when u know it’s good for u!

GS: All the above and it was a name we all agreed on!

The why and how of “24Herbs”?

B: About a year and a half ago, I spoke to Conroy (Chan) aka 'MC DRUNK' about doing this Hip Hop group. Conroy agreed with the concept and we've been talking about it ever since! Conroy brought Brandon aka 'GHOST STYLE' who's definitely an amazing rapper who's doing his thing in Hong Kong.  Also, we have former LMF members; PHAT and KIT, both have amazing voice and style of rap, definitely unique and special! We also have our amazing producer; Eddie aka 'Dor Yuk.’ YA SEI MEI (24HERBS) baby!

D: Brian about summed it up! Talked about doing this hip hop project for a while… but the real reason is to wipe away my boy band image… haha!! Seriously, total respect for the Alive boys! 24 Herbs is carrying on that Alive spirit! If you want to do something then just do it. HK has a lot of talented cats. And we should help nurture these kind of people, besides Brian and I, GS, Kit, Phat are some of the best rappers in HK, There's also "Dor Yuk" aka Eddie Chung our producer.. a good combo this time! Great bunch of fellas!

K: This project let's us say and do the music we like. There's no

pressure, just have fun together.

P: This project let's us get free tickets to go Macau! Wakakakaka!!

GS: Working with a group of rappers is great and it's something I

don't get to do often in Hong Kong. Also, the crew has the same spirit

so, it's easy going.

What type of music is “24Herbs?”

B: Hip Hop. Basically PARTY FUN music, we want to have more and more people in Hong Kong bounce and have fun.


GS: Rap music. Real music. We mix styles together like hip hop, rock,

dancehall and basically anything the crew wants to do.

K: Also, has a hardcore element in the music.

P: All the above-peace.

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Hong Kong
April 10, 2007