The Miami in guys were in town shooting World Tribes. They met with Conroy a few days ago and they were going to drop in on the AnD party on saturday but unfortunately couldn't make it. They did however make it to our favorite 8Five2 shop. Thanks WZA for the pics ! Chun Chai, WZA, JBS, Ami James, Yojiro Harada, Gabe, Chris NunezJBS, Gabe, Ami James, WZA, Chris Nunez, Yojiro Harada, |《邁阿密紋身》的成員來港拍攝名為“世界部落”的新劇集,在不久之前他們曾和Conroy偶遇並且原本計劃做客周六的AnD聚會,但很遺憾這將不太可能了,因為他們那天去了我們最愛的8Five2 shop。感謝WAZ拍攝的照片! Chun Chai, WZA, JBS, Ami James, Yojiro Harada, Gabe, Chris NunezJBS, Gabe, Ami James, WZA, Chris Nunez, Yojiro Harada, | 《迈阿密纹身》的成员来港拍摄名为“世界部落”的新剧集,在不久之前他们曾和Conroy 偶遇并且原本计划做客周六的AnD 聚会,但很遗憾这将不太可能了,因为他们那天去了我们最爱的8Five2 shop。 感谢WAZ 拍摄的照片, WZA, JBS, Ami James, Yojiro Harada, Gabe, Chris NunezJBS, Gabe, Ami James, WZA, Chris Nunez, Yojiro Harada,