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Day 1 of Rehearsals|排練的第一天|排练的第一天

Finally, after a lot of emails, meetings, recordings, interviews, press etc...we get down to what it's all about...the music! Today was the first day of 5 rehearsals. We have to go through all the material and also jam live with Kevin Jai and Ray Vaughn. Today Ray was replaced by multi-instrumented "Marco!" Thanks man! It was great hanging out with the crew. The stage we're at is Rocky preparing to get back in the ring. Tomorrow is day two...looking forward to it. One week left so, pls get your tickets asap. Rock with us! BlessedBreak time! | 在一大堆的電郵、會議、錄音、專訪、發布會等等以後,我們終於開始專註於音樂了!今天是五天排練的第一天,我們得把所有曲目過一遍還要和Kevin Jai及Ray Vaughn一起合作。今天Ray被音效合成器“Macro”所替代了,謝謝它!和大家在一起很開心啊。我們準備的很好,一聲令下就可以重上舞臺。明天是第二天,期待中。離演出只剩一周了,請速速購票吧。和我們一起Rock!BlessedBreak time!| 在一大堆的电邮、会议、录音、专访、发布会等等以后,我们终于开始专注于音乐了!今天是五天排练的第一天,我们得把所有曲目过一遍还要和Kevin Jai及Ray Vaughn一起合作。今天Ray被音效合成器“Macro”所替代了,谢谢它!和大家在一起很开心啊。我们准备的很好,一声令下就可以重上舞台。明天是第二天,期待中。离演出只剩一周了,请速速购票吧。和我们一起Rock!BlessedBreak time!

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
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you're at the part where Rocky is out running the KGB and running up the mountain!
almost 14 years ago


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