We've been invited to the Chik Chart music award show as we are nominated for a new artist award. We have also been given the honor of the opening performance for the show. We really NEVER thought we would even be considered for an award and to be asked to open for the show is really DOPE. Anyhow is on the 1st Jan 2009 at the Asia Expo hall. Hope to see you guys there. Happy new year, let's all rock 2009 !! Peace. |我們獲得叱咤音樂獎"新人獎"提名,被邀請出席頒獎禮,最榮幸的是我們將做開場表演。我們從沒想過可能獲獎,為這演出作開場秀真的很棒。2009年1月1日於亞洲博覽館進行演出,希望大家都能來。新年快樂,讓我們一起用音樂震撼2009!! 和平。|我们获得叱吒音乐奖"新人奖"提名,被邀请出席颁奖礼,最荣幸的是我们将做开场表演。我们从没想过可能获奖,为这演出作开场秀真的很棒。2009年1月1日于亚洲博览馆进行演出,希望大家都能来。新年快乐,让我们一起用音乐震撼2009!! 和平。