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adidas Originals

Check this out. Adidas asked us to work on an interactive project in celebration of their 60 years anniversary of  adidas Originals soles and stripes. We were asked to do something fun with some of their basic drawings of a pair of shoes, a shoe box, a speaker, a turntable, a pair of glasses etc. Our efforts are below. It actually took most of us several hours to make. Here's the art work we did: THe Adidas team also created this really kool idea. Its hard to explain but if you hold a piece of cardboard with a certain sharp in front of a camera, it triggers this some animation to pop out of the card. Check it below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMuRz2fCzdE&fmt=18

Check out more at www.adidas.com.hk/houseparty. Happy Birthday to adidas Originals Soles and Stripes ! Hope to see you guys at the party where we'll playing a few songs.  |看看這個。為慶祝 adidas Originals Soles and Stripes 創作60周年,我們被邀請參與一個互動項目。我們要在他們的經典元素上添加一些有趣的繪畫,其中包括一雙鞋、一只鞋盒、一套音箱、一個轉盤、一副眼鏡等等。我們的成果在此,可花了好幾個小時。


www.adidas.com.hk/houseparty 看更多內容。祝 adidas Originals Soles and Stripes 生日快樂!希望在 party 上見到你們,我們會表演好幾首歌。 |看看这个。为庆祝 adidas Originals Soles and Stripes 创作60周年,我们被邀请参与一个互动项目。我们要在他们的经典元素上添加一些有趣的绘画,其中包括一双鞋、一只鞋盒、一套音箱、一个转盘、一副眼镜等等。我们的成果在此,可花了好几个小时。


www.adidas.com.hk/houseparty看更多内容。祝 adidas Originals Soles and Stripes 生日快乐!希望在 party 上见到你们,我们会表演好几首歌。

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  13 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
sweet! i like the pic of JBS!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 376392
HAHAHA nice vid dudes.. ya see you guys there!
接近 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 10, 2007