Yesterday, we got up early and headed into the country-side of Yuen Long. It was a a air-gun playground (we also shot some air-guns during the break). It was for Canto-pop star Janice's new song. 24Herbs starred as some A-Team (or B-Team) type soldiers who enter the spirit world and then wander the woods bumping into Janice. Interesting...we had our faces painted up and started acting. Actually, really chill out there in the nature and the whole process went by smoothly. Looking forward to seeing the finished product. Also, coming up, Janice will be featured on one song on our new album. PS: just a reminder: 24K on Dec. 21st!! Go get your tickets and bring friends! Alright, thanks and peacePhotos by Antonio...thx! | 昨天,我們早起向元朗郊區進發,來到了一個氣槍射擊場(在空暇時我們也用氣槍射擊了),這次活動是為了制作粵語歌手衛蘭的新歌,24味飾演類似於特種部隊(或是野戰部隊)那樣的進入了靈魂世界的士兵,後來在叢林中徘徊最終邂逅衛蘭,很有意思...我們把臉塗上迷彩然後投入行動。事實上,在戶外的時光很是悠閑,整個拍攝一晃就過了。期待看最終的影片。另外,不久,衛蘭也將出演我們新專輯的一首歌。、
& lt;div>照片由安東尼奧拍攝...謝謝!| 昨天,我们早起向元朗郊区进发,来到了一个气枪射击场(在空暇时我们也用气枪射击了),这次活动是为了制作粤语歌手卫兰的 新歌,24味饰演类似于特种部队(或是野战部队)那样的进入了灵魂世界的士兵,后来在丛林中徘徊最终邂逅卫兰,很有意思...我们把脸涂上迷彩然后投入行 动。事实上,在户外的时光很是悠闲,整个拍摄一晃就过了。期待看最终的影片。另外,不久,卫兰也将出演我们新专辑的一首歌。、