WhyOceans Macau
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廣州創意生活音樂節 (21-23 Jun-2013)


WhyOceans will be playing in LiveStyle Festival 2013 in Guangzhou, we will play as the opening band of the 3-days event!


6月21日 11:00-16:00

6月22日 11:00-16:00

6月23日 10:30-14:30




早鳥預售: RMB 80

正常票價: RMB 120

三日套票: RMB 260 


城市畫報官方淘寶店: Read more

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「This Will Destroy You」 Live in Hong Kong (27-May-2013)

今晚我們將於香港Hidden Agenda為美國德州後搖樂隊「This Will Destroy You」中國巡演香港站作演出嘉賓!很感動我們有幸能為這支我們一直以來也十分欣賞的樂隊同台演出!


We will be playing as guest band for Texas postrock band "This Will Destroy You" Live in Hong Kong tonight at Hidden Agenda. See you guys there !![Photo: 今晚我們將於香港Hidden Agenda為美國德州後搖樂隊「This Will Destroy You」中國巡演香港站作演出嘉賓!很...Read more

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迷笛在即!/ MIDI Festival !

明天便是深圳迷笛的演出,我們今晚下班後便直接從珠海出發到深圳了!WhyOceans明天的演出時間是15:45,迷笛主舞台「唐舞台」!http://ent.sina.com.cn/y/2013-05-15/15103921220.shtmlWe'll be heading to Shenzhen right after work tonight. See you all in MIDI Festival MAIN STAGE tomorrow 15:45 !!

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WhyOceans TEE !!!!

WhyOceans 的Tee終於出來了!2013年我們跟設計師Yunni合作了一個名為「YNWO」的計劃,以Yunni的細膩畫風融合樂隊的音樂概念,創作出屬於樂隊的 第一件Tee。由於生產時間倉猝,首批Tee我們只好先在5月17-19日的深圳迷笛音樂節作首賣,往後回來會再安排其他購買途徑。首批Tee暫有三種顏 色選擇,稍後將再作介紹,敬請期待!

WhyOceans Tee is here ! 2013 we have started a project "YNWO" with our designer, Yunni. We finally come out the band's first tee, mixing with both styles of Yunni and WhyOceans. The first batch tee will be selling at Shenzhen MIDI Festival on 17-19 May. We will arrange for Macau friends later on very soon. Please stay tuned for more upcoming ...Read more

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News Press (27-Apr-2013)

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中國深圳迷笛音樂節陣容公佈 / MIDI Festival Line Up (17-19 May - 2013)


WhyOceans will be playing MIDI Festival main stage on 17-May, 15:45, TANG Stage. The best line up from China will bring the most memorable Rock Party to the audiences.

完整陣容 Full Line Up:http://weiba.weibo.com/10815/t/ztUirzlUNRead more

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樂隊近況 / Recently

台 灣春吶演出回來後一直很忙。首先是租用了差不多七年的練習室終於租約期滿要遷移,這陣子就是走遍澳門尋找環境適合價錢又要相宜的地方,總算找到了然後就是 一連串裝修設計討論及報價;再來就是積極準備五月舉行的迷笛音樂節演出;還有就是計劃印刷樂隊tee的事情。充實的日子,大家加油!

After back from Taiwan SpringScream Festival, the band has been busy in moving the band room and renovat ions due to the 7-years-contract ends of the current room. The band is also working hard in preparing the MIDI Festival in coming May. Moreover, we're also starting a little project for the band's upcoming tee. Read more

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中國深圳迷笛音樂節 / MIDI Festival (17-19 May - 2013)

We are so exciting to be taken part in one of the most remarkable music event in China - "MIDI Festival", on 17-19 May, in Shenzhen! More details will be coming soon!

【深圳迷笛】2013年WhyOceans終於能夠踏上中國其中一個最具代表性及影響力的音樂節 -「迷笛音樂節」!適逢迷笛首次南下,同時亦是我們首次到深圳演出,希望大家不要錯過,我們深圳迷笛見!(深圳迷笛舉辦日期為5月17-19日,一連三天 於深圳龍崗大運中心舉行,樂隊實際演出日期及時間有待稍後公佈。)


2013 深圳迷笛音樂節定於5月17日至5月19日在深圳龍崗大運中心舉辦,將設唐、明、元、孩子迷笛共四個舞台,國内陣容中不僅包括從北京南下的老中青多支實力 樂隊,還邀請了粤港澳地區的風格各異的代表樂隊参加演出。海外陣容中有來自英、美、法、荷蘭、意大利、芬蘭、韓國等國的樂隊。此...Read more

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We're back from SpringScream, Taiwan!

We enjoy the stage so much! Thank you SpringScream, thank you everyone.

今年春吶演出基本很順利,就只試音時出了些狀況多花了一些時間。圍觀的人也比去年多了很多,即使演出中途下雨大家也堅持撐著傘支持到最後,十分感動。演出 完畢下台後還有一位女孩特意走過來跟我們說「你們的音樂有讓人停下來看的魔力」;看著觀眾們滿足的表情,我們還是相信,喜歡音樂就是簡單的快樂。 https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/533913_10152749299595093_1302536930_n.jpgRead more

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明天出發台灣演出!Heading to Taiwan !

Let's shoot some new cool group photos in Kenting, Taiwan these days.



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Buy WhyOceans album 《At Land》 online: http://www.whitenoiserecords.org/archives/13019 《At Land》 is also available at: Hidden Agenda (Kwun Tong) White Nois


english, cantonese, mandarin
July 28, 2009