同你地跳老舞跳到結婚生仔??是很幸福的事??? 出尼做野幾年,圈外人不明白點解仲可以花時間去跳舞 解你唔明,明你又唔認同 ??♀️ 就只是我們一家有的默契
[ FB 大神 ] Looking for responsible and eligible private tutors from July 2017 on. Kindly PM me for students' profile, thanks!
(Level as in the year of 2016-2017) 1. P2 Male/ Wanchai/ daily assignment (closed) 2. Year 5 Male/ Siu Sai Wan/ Eng 3. Year 7 Female/ Taikoo/ daily assignment 4. P2 Female/ Sai Wan Ho/ Eng (closed) 5. P2 Male/ Sai Wan Ho/ Eng (closed) 6. P5 Male/ Sai Wan Ho/ Eng (closed) 7. P6 Male/ Sai Wan Ho/ Eng (closed) 8. Year 12 Female/ Yau Ma Tei/ Standard Level Maths
Remarks: #4-7 have to be taught in fluent English. #8 has to be t...Read more
Another year ?☺ 多左啲人 少左啲人 仍然是好有愛有活力的團隊??
經過客人無敵美肌後傳來的照片?? 婚禮四個月後約個下午茶聚一聚? 果然結婚後會對生孩子和婚姻生活都有了新想法,多謝這個女強人分享一切人生哲理 在老公身邊做小女人的她很可愛,我倆在店大笑到不顧儀態??♀️ #weddingplanning #weddingplanner #storytelling #clientlove
Trying out their crepe cake ? it's simply divine and quite possibly my new favourite dessert of all time ? (鏗爺: 你有咩唔係最鍾意食)??♀️
為期兩個月的ERB婚禮策劃課又開班嘍!今次同tammy校長 Ms Koon SY Sir 一齊授課分享,多多指教☝?唔知到最後一堂仲有多少學員想做婚禮策劃師呢?#upsanddowns #storytelling #liferewarding #weddingplanner #weddingplanning #tutorslife
"When someone else's happiness is your happiness, that's love". Seeing the bright smiles on couples and their families gives Whitney the greatest delight.