Best board room view in Hong Kong. #hongkong #clubprimo #boardroom #ithinkimontheapprentice #beautiful #ocean #wow
Seriously the coolest cocktail i've had in a while. Yes that is a real eggshell containing a bunch of cornflakes. #insanity #cocktail #clubprimo #hongkong #cornflakes #fabulous
Seeing double #beauty #model #editoral #fringe #HongKong #eurasian
Things better pick up today. I hope. #positive #future #vibes #gah #broke
Alcoholism. #alcohol #drinks #collection #spirits #liqour #hard #yep
@mherckdelacruz #androgynous #alien #king #nude #beach #art
King of the weird androgynous face. #king #alien #androgynous
Wash out. #hongkong #eurasian #alien #face #yeoch #androgynous #glamdrogyny
Sexual. #sexy #hot #model #banging #wow #soattractive #cutie #holyfuck #sohot #omg #jokes
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