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Vangie Tang
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今晚開打!!!?? ViuTV channel 99 10:30pm 「G-1格鬥會」?

G1格鬥會 #fightshow #staytoughfighthard #fitnessgirl #MMA #mma女子綜合格鬥... https://t.co/XsRzoljIvV

over 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  1 share

蒲2.0 Day 2 演出成功!Keep 住個energy!!! 還有4場!各位繼續加油!還有少量門票,如果大家想支持我哋,可以去城市售票網買飛㗎! https://t.co/uLQhFtNDTM

over 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Thanks for the support tonight !! 「蒲2.0」Day 1 演出順利!?? 多謝各方好友捧場、支持和送給我的花籃、禮物~感恩!???❤️? 希望明天台前幕後繼續Good Show!!!... https://t.co/wbw1QqIb37

over 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

【壹週刊】鄧穎芝搶咪藐嘴 Winkie慘遭格鬥女杯葛 https://t.co/ChGFScCcXo

over 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

【爆冷定爆熱?】G-1索爆女將起底大檢閱 | ViuTV https://t.co/zNN6CBjB8i

over 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

???還有一個寶貝, 「蒲2.0」明天第一場!!!Good Show everybody !!!! 還有少量門票,如果大家想支持我們可以去城市售票網買或找我!Thanks !! #goodshow #poledrama2... https://t.co/8ZJ9SVpX1U

over 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

?辛苦了大半年終於播出! 明天10pm ViuTV 數碼頻道 Channel 99 「G-1格鬥會」 Let's start the fight !!!!!! ??

我因為明天要做舞台劇,不能和大家一起看,歡迎大家睇完俾d... https://t.co/sNjonC89On

over 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

ViuTV 免費電視channel 99 啟播禮

over 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

ViuTV今日開台喇!!!密切留意! https://t.co/2q6CP36iaR

over 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Hong Kong
Member Since
July 22, 2008