PureFunk Jam 2016 過後 叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮2016
Ps. 謝謝Angel Lai & Marcus Lam ticket. X. 2
Purefunk Jam ---> CR Ultimate Song Chart 2016
新一年 . 又一年 . 過好年 2016
+852 KEEP ROCKING 2016
Jamcityhk Shout Out to all Dancer and Lover who HELPED out in 2015~
感謝每一位志同道合 好友 2015 的幫忙
話咁快就2016 . 繼續搖滾...!!! 2016 is here, KEEP ROCKING...!!!
special thanks: @Carina Wong @Showtime ds @UniDancity @大躍進
哪一天我們會飛 She Remembers . He Forgets
今日睇完戲 佢又飛喇~
空姐 等更表 之 日日問 哪一天又要飛~
ps. Thanks Adam for the Ticket
X'mas Time . Fun time . 2015 Dec 聖誕 短聚 交換禮物 之 南無阿彌陀佛機好有Heart...!!
兩年前的一個場地美術, 2015年再用Star War 嘅Artwork去活化...Keep it Fresh~
Refreshing the work with Yoda that's for sure...!! Sai Ying Pun ~
ps. Writer: Slot - Sky Flight Hydra - Oscar Ho TPBA - Travis Pang
Afternoon Delight ~ EASY ~
Keep It Steady Vol.5 | Keep It Party | 1yr Anniversary | DJ | Party | Battle | JAMCITYHK LIVE
Merry Christmas 2015...!! Flash back in the days 2011. Same Game, Different Player ~ Better Production, Different Flavor
又到聖誕佳節,人人正能量 馬照跑 舞照跳 ~ 4年前到現在 ~ 無論 工作 . 婚姻 . 關係 各大不同 "Stay Positive"
ps. video creadit to FiveSheep Zeruel Merry X'mas 2015
It’s kind of hard to keep faith in the things that you do When everybody turns their back on you..................