Omo, where does the time go? For those who were wondering, that Migme thing is not working out so well. I have a difficult time finding my fellow AnD artists, and also, I don't really know how to work their site or how to meet new fans. I might close that thing down in the near future. So, what have you folks been up to? I've been busy with projects and helping my mother with stuff. Not much new to report, so I'll just write again when there is. Aloha!
Enjoying a soda at Shore Bird and celebrating the birthdays of @jeonglori and many others!
Taking photos on the red carpet at the recent Hawaii European Cinema gala event. Thanks to Ross for snapping the p…
Lunch with a friend at The Pineapple Room.
Visiting my father on the first day of the Lunar New Year.
Great to meet "The Tiger Hunter" director @Lena_Khan on closing night of the #HIFF2016!
Dear friends and fans, I hope that 2016 is treating you well! Alive Not Dead recently requested that I open a Migme account, so if you are interested in "friending" or "fanning" me on that website, please feel free. (It's a little lonely over there, since I don't know anyone.) Here is the link:
Visiting my father. I miss him.
Birthday 2016 at BLT Steak. Cheers!
@Sasimiworldkms Best of luck with your new drama!