Surprisingly good film. The actress is totally ??!
When Hawkeye and Lois Lane hang out, you get... #SonyPictures
人生,有时候会让我们感觉就像蒲公英,看似自由,却身不由己。有些事,不是不在意,而是在意了又能怎样。人生没有如果,只有后果和结果。命运只有自己掌握,别人掌控不了,多用微笑来面对一切事情。 . . . 晚安。
For the friends I've been talking to, you can still catch #BooJunFeng's Apprentice at The Projector. Next available dates and timings: 18 Dec 5pm 26 Dec 8pm
Today: 11am Art Science museum - Millenia Walk - Marina square - esplanade - suntec convention - Millenia Walk - suntec city - Bugis cube - Bugis plus - rocher mrt - home. . . . . All in the name of chill-strolling and R&R. ?
A mistake becomes a lesson when learnt. A lesson becomes a motivation when shared.
Dear Jaycie, thanks for learning your lesson and changing for the better. Thanks for sharing your story and hope it will motivate people who are in your shoes to turn over a new leaf.
Dear Mr Shu, thanks for giving a helping hand. You've changed someone's life, and possibly more people when this story is shared. #善有善报
虽然不曾怀疑你 还是忐忑不定 谁是你的那个唯一 原谅我怀疑自己
我明白 我要的爱 会把我宠坏 像一个小孩 只懂在你怀里坏
你要的爱 不只是依赖 要像个大男孩 风吹又日晒 生活自由自在
16年了。#流星花园 片尾曲。
Lulu The Movie Official (露露的电影) Review | by
Recommended Audience: Fans of Michelle Chong, Leon Jay Williams 立威廉, Chan Tian Wen, Glenn Ong, The Flying Dutchman, Sharon Au 欧菁仙, Terence Cao 曹国辉, Suhaimi Yusof Official, Shane Pow 包勋评, Dee Kosh and comedy movie fans