I know that lots of folks in the country are angry and upset, but is it so terrible that they actually think that #DonaldTrump is the better choice? This rhetorical question... can only imagine the indignant responses from Trumpets.
Mock outrage over white chef in Philly talking about the proper way to eat pho. LOL.
Wanna know how #DonaldTrump will manage his administration and staff if he wins? The answer is "poorly" if the selection and handling of his #surrogates is any indication.
This is how #DonaldTrump spells #desperate... COUGH. By the way, if elected, Trump could be the oldest and most obese President we've had in modern times.
Nothing pisses off #DonaldTrump followers and Republicans more than happy, thriving Americans. Wait, maybe high Obama approval ratings. Of course, our country has many areas that need improvement. So how do you see the country? Is the cup half full or half empty?
While I don't agree with the 49ers quarterback, Santa Clara police help to prove his point.
It's been 8 years where the #GOP publicly stated goals have turned it into the Grand Obstructionist Party. Rather than lead or legislate, their mission is to block; putting party before country. They can lay claim to birthing the #DonaldTrump candidacy.