The ugly truth about eggs from #CageFree chickens.
Seems like #MelaniaTrump portrayed her husband Donald J. Trump as being easily duped and victimized by other people when she blamed The Howard Stern Show and #BillyBush for the terrible things he said about women.
Now if the #FoxNews #BillOReilly #Chinatown segment turned out like this, I wouldn't complain. #WattersWorld
After being shut out, #DonaldTrump finally lands his first endorsement from a major publication... #NationalEnquirer!!! #UFOs #FourHeadedBaby #ElvisSpotting #DonaldTrumpPresidency
Why is #DonaldTrump running for President? He's stirring the pot of hate to launch a TV network. #BaitandSwitch, think of it as another #TrumpU - he collects campaign dollars and emails so that he can keep milking when his supporters after he loses.