Official Artist
Sarika Choy
MC / Show Host , Model
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有得睇,冇得遊?? Look but can't touch ?

sarikachoy #蔡宛珊 #workhardplayharder #makethemostofit #lovemyjob #lovemywork #hongkong #hkartist #hkartress #hkmc #mc #emcee #model #modelhk #happy #hkgirl #mix #follow #working #enjoy #happy #enjoymylife #852 #hk #hkevent #artist #bilingual #trilingual #beautifullife

? #?#picoftheday #mixedgirl #852ig #852girl #?

banyantree #macau #+853 #2ndhome #? #❤

about 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

If your don't leave your past in the past, it will ruin your future... Live for today, not for what yesterday has taken away... ❤ 放不下過去的影子,只會阻擋將來的光芒... 不要留戀昨天,要活在當下?

positivethinking #staypositive #? #happy #hkgirl #mix #follow #working #enjoy #happy #enjoymylife #852 #852girl #852ig #hkig #soulsearch #happylive

about 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Miss S ?.. 個個都跟風㗎啦, 個個都跟風, 唔通個個都想跟風咩....??

about 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

盡地一趴..... ? that's how u stretch ??

workhardplayharder #workout #sweat #healtly #healthylife #eathealthy #positivethinking #staypositive #? #iworkisweat #gym #gymnastics #gymtime #enjoying #fun #happyhormones #squats #iwantyou #abs #hkig #852ig #852girl #mixedgirl #mix #picoftheday #sexy #booty #? #streatch #streatching #split

about 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

呢個QV 系列, 無油保濕配方! 洗面洗得好乾淨!補濕之餘,又唔塞毛孔! 適合敏感皮膚使用? 呢排又濕又熱, 用佢啱曬??



about 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Miss S ? 又到Happy Friday! 識咗新朋友仔,想問吓佢會唔會有興趣下次再出嚟玩????

about 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Thank u on.cc 東網 Oriental daily 東方日報?

about 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Another year for "The Sparks Awards" 2017 ? Salute to all the outstanding companies & organizations serving the media industry! ? Thank you Marketing Magazine for hosting such a great event! ??

about 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

出貓特攻隊首影!Bad Genius Movie Premiere! ? 多謝 Stefan 邀請? 非常正! 有親情又有友情... 又緊張又刺激 ??

about 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Miss S ? #5.... 好多人肚餓到一個點...會愛到發火!!! 究竟我都發火係,點講呢?

about 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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August 12, 2008