曾經教過的小孩們,六年沒見,由小寶寶變成兩位數,好奇妙的感覺。 回想起曾經當兒童治療師的我。
Fans, you guys always make me feel so lucky, why do I even deserve you? Thanks for coming out so late last night, and coming out again for lunch hours today. Very confused... in a very touched way. ❤ #itsthesmallthings #toomuchlove . . Here's to a local couture designer. Such detail. Thank you for the love and support as well :) ❤
"I still remember the days when I prayed for the things I have now." #friendsquote #inspired #grateful
臨時填的,好白癡,請不要介意lol Nice playing my old guitar again #nancipoo lol Aug 19 #粉絲聚會 #風扇聚會 #fangathering2017 ROBYNN & KENDY 歌迷會
Achieved a milestone today. 好。X。感。動!!!! ?????
Take me all the way back to the start Back to the time when we weren't worlds apart
Letting go is not the same as giving up. Letting go is removing the lies and bs clogging up your mind, following your heart, and letting God lead the way.
Cool 住夏天,唱飲無邊!
Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到