年三十!很快又新的一年了!祝大家新年快樂!喜氣??!要咩有咩! 身體健康!蝴蝶滿天飛! 有RK音樂的地方就有燦爛陽光!!??
喜歡唱歌的朋友們快參加吧!「同進一起唱」截止報名日期為2015年2月22日。 勝出的朋友有機會和環球唱片試音喔!
同進歌曲: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVevoo8-690
參加辦法: http://130.hkjc.com/ch/hkjc-130-game-talent.aspx…
宣傳片: http://youtu.be/uDFWumJWOJo
It is simple when it's real
You know exactly how I feel
When I'm happy or in pain
You know exactly what to say
Baby boy oh can't you see
See the love I have in me
I get tongue tied when I'm shy
And you're right there wondering why
It's cuz there is someone in my mind…. in my mind
I don't wanna fight
Fight my feelings for you no
There's butterflies flying'...Read more
而我愛上了這滋味... #butterflies
情人節快樂! Happy Valentine's Day!
我們找了 12 對情侶, 測試他們有多了解對方... =P
立即參加「#同進一起唱」,爭取成為我哋同門師弟妹嘅機會啦! 比賽詳情: http://goo.gl/356psC 免費下載《#同進》(香港賽馬會130週年誌慶主題曲): http://goo.gl/SrKKfu
Aren't we all self-critical creatures that have to pretend to be all confident all the time? Aren't we all sometimes too caught up in the social rules of this era and sometimes lose ourselves in it? Aren't we all victims of self-doubt in a time where life is about achievements and what you've done, and how you look and how you appear to be?
God speaks in miraculous ways. Just one single person, one outlier, one photo like this... can counter all of that and inspire the rest of us lost souls like myself. I don't wanna say "I'm so f...Read more
Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到