Official Artist
Comic Creator / Cartoonist , Illustrator , Author
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This illustration is a very small size.

Real size is W:4cm×H:4.5cm.

This was made an expansion size to upload @ blog.

HOP: Penciling

STEP: Inking JUMP: Screentone's work

When a small illustration is drawn, it is speedily to finish.

But, It is troublesome.....

over 16 years ago 0 likes  24 comments  0 shares
Photo 23833
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, looks good! thanks for sharing the process with us. when i was young i attended a seminar by a US manga artist explaining how US manga are made, is it similar in Japan? how much do you do on the computer now?
over 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Sugei...sugoi? One of those, either way pretty cool.
over 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>Shan (人゚∀゚*)☆Thank you~♪ But, of course you are prettier than my illustration. ☆-(`ゝω・´) >jaymee I think that you have not much chance for seeing Japanese manga's drawing process. Case of this illustration...... This illustration took me about 1 hour + α to finish. Because this is an easy and small size it. >Etchy Americn comic's seminar? I envy you!! Perhaps, such a seminar is not held in Japan. There are faculties "Comic creater course" in the animation / design technical education school. But, the person who can become comic creater doesn't go to such a school. Only the person who is poor skill at drawing picture goes to "Comic creater course". Person good at the picture has already master many skills of drawing picture by the same age as them. Because everyone finds the technique oneself. Therefore, Japanese manga isn't standardized. It is "INDIVIDUALISM"!! hahaha All the color illustrations @ digital work. But, Comic's manuscripts are the hand all work. Because I fight against the deadline!! My hand work is quicker than digital work. >andy_lau_spain & ILLTHUG & Pemapema Thank you~☆ ( 。-_-。)ε・`*) <chu♪ But, My works isn't "art". My work is "entertainment"! hehehe :P >JV Thank you~☆ I had thought since the other day. Do you understand Japanese a little? ъ(゚Д゚) <GOOOOOOOOOD!!
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
do people still use 'zipitone'? (to do the screen tone stuff?) or is that on the computer too?
over 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>Etchy "zipitone"?????(゚д゚)????? Is it dot / textured film sheets? ← I searched@google it now. The film is called "Screentone" @ Japan. Everyone still uses "Screentone". And, of course there is "Digital Screentone". I'm sometimes using it too. The most famous software is "Comic Studio (※US ver."Manga Studio")" http://www.comicstudio.net/
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
oh interesting! that was the part i was most impressed with when i learned about it... i didn't know how they did the screens before i learned about it. ;-)
over 16 years ago
Photo 37580
eh, Sukoshi dake. heh. I took a few years of Japanese in high school and college, but it was soooo long ago I have a hard time remembering things. I don't know many Japanese people around where I live either so I never get to practice with any one. Screentone is complicated hehe. I envy the people who can use it so well. Well I envy the people who can draw or do any kind of "entertainment" so well heh.
over 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>Etchy I see I see. I was sometimes questioned about Screentone by the Japanese, before. When printed, Screentone is mysterious things. >JV My English and Cantonese are the same situations as you...(-_-;) I learnt English in the junior high school and the high school, but My English is very unskilled. I think it is better than no complete understanding of English. I think positively. ......Now, my bestfriend is dictionary. sosad Screentone is special painting materials. Work to use Screentone is very attractive and interesting. Because, Screentone is a tool to imagine the color. Both you and I study "Entertainment" thoroughly.Σd=(・ω-`o)~♪
over 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Nice, but your English is many times higher than my japanese heh.
over 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>JV (a.k.a. 正義番長 ←Japanese translation of your name. hehehe :P super coool!!) Thanks~。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。 Will my English progress in the future? LOL(>ω<)
over 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>rottendoubt This is Japanese manga style. I want to introduce the drawing style of MANGA little by little after this.
over 16 years ago
Photo 37580
hehe thanks for the Name, gonna go put that in my profile now heh. Yeah I'm sure your english will get better, just keep writing in here and you'll learn quickly too hehe.
over 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>JV thank you~!! I hold out. 正義 (seigi) = JUSTICE, 番長 (banchou) = VANCHO junior high / high school's gang leader is called "番長". (but, 番長 is leader of oldskool type :P ) "正義番長" is like a Anime / Manga / Game character's name!! 番長 is school gang leader, but 番長 have some chivalry. (о'д')b-☆
over 16 years ago
Photo 37580
haha that's pretty tight.
over 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>JV 番長 is a warm-hearted man. Japanese likes the word "番長". It is a theme of a lot of movies / comics / games.
over 16 years ago
Photo 37580
I think when I try to pitch myself to Japanese movie companies from now on I'm going to use this information heh.
over 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>JV I'm lookig forword to see you @ Japanese movie!! (`・д・´)/ Lastly, I introduce Japanese interesting 番長'S VG to you. This is traditional 番長style. 。゚(゚^∀^゚)゚。 hahaha http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=d4UUEzkOezU
over 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Haha cool I want to play that Kenka Banchou. Cept the hair stinks hehe that old thug style heh.
over 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>JV Even if Japanese sees, there are a lot of strange things of Japanese culture. hahaha
over 16 years ago


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