Thanks a million Michael Foong!
Be sure to catch The Verdict on 6 Jan 10.30pm on Channel 5
It's been a great year! Thanks for being a part of it.
Merry Christmas once more!
Merry christmas my dear friends!
Chris 在流氓律师里也杀青了!幸苦了各位!
I hear wedding bells~ #filming #限量爱情 #actors #dylanquek #quekjinhao
Despite long hours of shoot and down with inflammation, managed to pull through thanks to the production people and my "family". Look at how sweet my "daughter" is ❤❤ #filming #dylanquek #quekjinhao
At the Singapore International Film Festival for Lang Tong directed by Sam Loh. Great company great film, what can I ask for..
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