RT @Guerlainjp: 白いキャンバスに描かれた絵画のような花々と、真珠のように輝く肌で春を満喫して!今だけ、お揃いのイラスト入りのポーチプレゼントも。@przemeksobocki #ペルルブラン #日本国内限定発売 くわしくはこちら。 https://t.co/H…
❄️❄️❄️morning call... and it's snowing ❄️?☃️ https://t.co/UFIEQmMgP0
so happy to be part of this project #GuerlainJapan #BlancdePerle illustration https://t.co/sN9SBV2W0H
new project with @Guerlainjp #Guerlain https://t.co/FMXmbVoBPt
RT @HuffingtonPost: .@Pontifex suggests that atheists might be better than hypocritical Catholics https://t.co/OlOufaVK3z https://t.co/wmVC…
illustration: Happy NEW YEAR card https://t.co/sswy3XNBiM https://t.co/MNSFpFUql3
visual: Christmas/New Year image for DYELOG, UK https://t.co/MnoomGdquZ https://t.co/S74J6mbRpr
Valentines illustration for Valentines post at regular column at Vanderbilt New York Journal... https://t.co/X3haBvxu7I