Sweet Home Chicago with my homie. 健康與快樂! Health and Happiness! #homesweethome #brotherhood #GodisGood #兄弟 ???
Goodbye Toronto! 再見多倫多! A fruitful trip of awesomeness! Please support #BirthoftheDragon when it releases in your area! 正式上映嘅時候 請大家繼續支持 #龍之誕生
Thank you @visiondatahk for this awesome Wi-Fi device allowing me to update all my social media and to keep in touch with all my friends and family! 多謝曬 #維訊數據
Everyone in attendance, including us, loved the film! 今天嘅觀眾包括我哋都非常喜歡這部電影! Thank you for everybody's support! 感謝每一位嘅支持! #TIFF #BirthoftheDragon #龍之誕生
Super happy day today with the cast and crew at this year's #TorontoInternationalFilmFestival for the premiere of our film! 非常開心的一日! 幕前同幕後嘅朋友一齊睇首映! #BirthoftheDragon #TIFF #龍之蛋生