Production meeting. A few more days until we start rolling them cameras! A little nervous but very excited! 製作會議中,仲有幾日就開鏡啦,有小小緊張但非常興奮!!! ?????? #hongkongactioncinema #kungfumovies
Rest is overrated. #GodismyStrength
Make-believe light gun ? #locationscouting #Repost @denden_ball ・・・ ?
Making action movies are no joke! #difficultbutfun #sleeplessnight #meetingsthatgoallday #scouting #GodismyStrength
Party at the #OnimalHouse# ??????? @安志杰AndyOn @Daphinator
Party at the #OnimalHouse ???????
You can't have a proper sunrise without a proper sunset. #lifegoeson #GodisGood
Huggin' a cat. 抱住隻貓。?? #abbyface#
Huggin' a cat. 抱住隻貓。?? #abbyface #betterthancats
Filming a music video with my buddies today! 今日同班老友拍MV! ?????
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