@Rob_guillory July. J-u-l-y.
Just makes me realize even more how much I need my next Farmhand.
@Rob_guillory Rob, you tease. https://t.co/aUzNXrSiId
@TronicJohn @CineBill I know. Hence the reason why I say it is idiotic it annoys me. :)
@themightylayman Was it the sequel to Titanic?
@CineBill It might be idiotic but the mention "old film cameras" when referring to film deeply annoys me.
Film ca… https://t.co/IQJRIFZnqK
RT @ScarfDemon: Interviewer: If you had the chance... what’s one thing you would tell your younger self?
Me: That life was gonna be this w…
@wongmjane Explains a lot. But why would they do that?
@seankmckeever I still remember the excitement. Never seen before cinema. What a blast. The 360 degrees cam and man… https://t.co/aFUPHiqxJs
@Ryonsbludbout @Hijak159 @DuneAuthor @DuneNovels Wait, is that real?
@TedHope Yes. But what is best work? Like with every art form, it is all very subjective. Take Shakespeare In Love,… https://t.co/aYwWTDRmqm