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Pauline C
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Olympic Mascots

Okay i thought i would share this with you all..... during my last trip to HK.. i came across these... the olympics are coming to china this year August.. ..

 there are 5 mascots that were created to represent..

here are some of them..

all was cool n'all.. until we saw this..

then there are the two that are a bit off... someone had to do this and it is hard to say why... haha

.it as really MAD.. and sooo wrong...for the audience..

over 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares
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you sure they're not just doing judo or something?
over 16 years ago
Photo 23632
haha. yes, i saw this a couple weeks back i was taking some visitors around TST. thx for the visit!
over 16 years ago


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