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draculatoki 茶色金魚 P.L
Painter , Author
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我在 [看高一點 ...] 藝術展展出的作品 | My Work at [fly like paper ...] Exhibition

[Fly like a paper, high like a plane] Exhibition passed, thz 4 all support.

For all of fds can't go there & check the Exhibition, i just made the flash photo album to show my work at the Exhibition, wish u like :D

P.S If u can't see anything between the 2 red lines, plz go to download the update version of flash player, plz click the following link to check the Photo Album version.

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over 15 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares

明報訪問在下 | Ming Pao arranged an interview with me

在下受香港報章明報訪問, 並刊登我以及數位藝術家的作品於 2009 年 5 月 1 日

HK newspaper "Ming Pao" arranged an interview with me, there are pics of my works & some of others Artist works at 01 / 05 / 2009




the following pic is those part of my interview**

...Read more
over 15 years ago 0 likes  31 comments  0 shares

送上所有的祝福 | for all the wish


**送給中國, 中國人, 以及在這個星球上的所有人

To China, to Chinese, to all who alive in this planet**



for all the wish**

over 15 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

[Fly like a paper, high like a plane] Exhibition | [看高一點.開心一點] 創意藝術展

[Fly like a paper, high like a plane] Exhibition

This time is a cheer-up peoples exhibition, there are 6 artist include me (draculatoki aka 茶色金魚 (Patrick_Lui) ), this exhibition is free for entry, please go with your family & friends, to share the happy with peoples.

27/04/2009 12:00 - 17/05/2009 22:00

Location : L1 Entrance Arena, New Town Plaza, Shatin, Hong Kong for more details please click the follow link :Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  16 comments  0 shares

嫣.娓.姬.婥 [Vol.005] | The Angelic.The Glamorous [Vol.005]

原子筆手繪單色女性形象插畫系列 Vol.5

The  image of female illustration in mono tone by ball pen, Vol.5



My little apprentice - MinXian


over 15 years ago 0 likes  17 comments  0 shares

mono graffiti - mono experimentation project [me01 - cover up]

很久沒有發佈繪藝視頻了, 以下的視頻是剛完成的, 希望跟大家分享 :D

Long time haven't make the video works, the following is the new one, i am glad to share with u guys, wish u like :D



以上的視頻如果不能正常顯示, 請點擊下面連結 :http://www.facebook.com/video/video...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  35 comments  0 shares

嫣.娓.姬.婥 [Vol.004] | The Angelic.The Glamorous [Vol.004]

原子筆手繪單色女性形象插畫系列 Vol.4

The  image of female illustration in mono tone by ball pen, Vol.4



Cello Instructor - Cecilia


almost 16 years ago 0 likes  22 comments  0 shares

為最新大提琴演奏會製作宣傳品 | Create Promotion Item for New Cello Concert



在下剛剛為 [中國大提琴愛樂] 在香港舉行的重奏音樂會製作一系列的宣傳品, 包括海報, 明信片及場刊, 是次音樂會題目為 [大提琴.盛宴], 由國內知名大提琴家朱亦兵教授帶領一眾成員為大家演出中西名曲, 海報設計亦以中國故官及西方建築結合, 代表是次音樂會所演奏的曲風中西文化交匯, 亦表達了朱亦兵教授受中西文化所薰陶, 奏出令人感動的樂章.

如果您在香港, 希望您不會錯過他的精彩演出 :D

I just finish the design & printing of [China Philharmonic Cellists]&#...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares

近況兩則, 同樣有苦有樂 | there are 2 thing at recently, also happy & unhappy inside

1.) 剛替客戶完成一本 2009 年的行事曆 (記事簿) 的設計, 製成品亦已經到手了, 以下兩張照片為內容預覽圖而且是我覺得比較滿意的 (忘記封面的設計是如何吧, 世事都不能盡由我控制, 我相信你一定猜到為什麼我會這樣說), 工作過程中有喜有悲, 不過無論如何也是完成了 :P

我還留有一些記2009 記事簿樣本, 這本記事簿也算是有用以及設計得不錯 (除了封面 .....), 如果你想免費領取一本, 應該也不是問題, 只要你可以在香港地區領取就可以了, 請 PM 或 E-mail 聯絡我. 

Just fnished the design & production of the Planner 2009 (Schedule Book) for client's order, there are follow 2 pics is some of pages i am satisfactory (forget the cover plz, there is so difficult to control eve...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  48 comments  0 shares

把個人主義當作真理 ?!?!

注意 !!  這個發表算是一個批評, 也是有點想罵人的, 如果大家不想看到這樣文章, 請跳過不要看, 免得大家對我留下壞印象 :)

最近幾個月的晚上, 在電視上播放著一個節目, 主要是介紹烹飪飲食. 然而主持方面, 由一位從來都是以 "惡形死相" 作特色招徠的女仕主持. 這位女仕的主持風格, 多半是以 "罵" 為主, 時常對參與節目的家庭觀眾出言侮辱, 而侮辱對方的說話, 通常都是十分無理的.

在網上看到有很多網民在網上取笑她根本不懂烹飪, 只懂拾人牙慧以及用小聰明來罵人.

雖然我對烹飪並不是十分在行, 但亦不至於一點常識也沒有; 研究過網民的發表之後, 我認為網民說的有理.

今天晚上, 偶爾扭開了電視機看到她說了幾句話 ...

女主持 : 「"蝦餃" 應該是一口一隻, 現在的酒樓把 "蝦餃" 做成乒乓球般大小, 那是錯的 !!! 一個 "蝦餃" 要兩口才吃得完, 那麼吃了第一口之後, 裏面的餡料就會全都掉出來了, 這是不好的做法 !!! 」(內容大慨是這樣, 有遺留的話請各位多多包涵)

...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  20 comments  0 shares


以圖像代替言語.以創作代替虛榮 努力工作.盡情創作 let the [graphics/drawing] to substitute [talk], make the [creative works] to substitute [vanity]. work hard & create hard

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
March 2, 2008