Hehehehehehe https://t.co/7pzaxSFwmT
I made it to Romania! The waiters and waitresses broke out into a full blown opera in the middle of service, people got up to dance and sing along.. It's been 2 hours and I love this place already!
Plum stop in Frankfurt. Look at me remembering to take pictures and eating fruit, my mom would be proud ?
@singthemelodie I'm a fan.. It's a problem.
Wow you really can't go online till you watch the episode to avoid spoilers.. I'll watch it as soon as I get into Romania! #Supernatural
I am under slept and fully ready for 18 hours of plane! Bucharest here I come! #EECC Bananas have lots of potassium.
@alwaysand5ever Bri, you rock! ❤️
@aysenuramil_93 I am coming to Turkey hehehe
RT @SarahThePearl: @OsricChau Os is headed to Oz!!
My Website: www.osricchau.com IMDB credits: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1859543/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Osric-Chau/176288692615?v=info