@Ktchristine @feliciaday @cwspn Aww Katie! ☺️❤️
@PeterSAdrian @HyperRPG @yoshisudarso @deschiam @jonw1225 Yessss, it's gonna be fun! :D
RT @PeterSAdrian: Tomorrow on @Hyper_RPG I will not be doing my usual stream, but instead will be playtesting a homebrew DND 5e campaign wi…
@aingham69 Oooh yes! Would you be interested in doing an interview with our director @andreawalter88 producer/actor @pangerz and I? :D
@CJS8888 @aingham69 My first as a lead actor and producer! But thanks for noticing CJ :)
@aingham69 Doing our best and working on it now but it makes it so much easier to have friends and allies so thank you! ❤️
Ahh thank you for the write up!! @aingham69 <3 "Osric Chau making his film debut later this year https://t.co/9hUJeyu3LT"
@HikaruRose @andreawalter88 Not sure.. some charcoal one? ?
@mindykaling @CAPEUSA @IWGroup @Kollaboration @oceans8movie @awkwafina @ch8i @yoshi_sudarso @PeterSAdrian… https://t.co/uYi9gWxfYP
@awkwafina @CAPEUSA @IWGroup @Kollaboration @oceans8movie @mindykaling @ch8i @yoshi_sudarso @PeterSAdrian… https://t.co/BUnP8sYpj8
My Website: www.osricchau.com IMDB credits: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1859543/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Osric-Chau/176288692615?v=info