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International Kuala Lumpur Taekwondo Championships #poomsae #macau #malaysia #indonesia

8 年多 前 48 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Welcome to Macau, China for World Taichi & Qigong Day

8 年多 前 30 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Earth Day 2016 join me 30 minutes of lunch time Healing Earth https://www.facebook.com/events/136426053424524/ Earth Day 2016 – Friday, April 22nd, the first in our five-year countdown to Earth Day’s 50th: Earth Day 2020! This is the perfect time to share with you our theme for Earth Day 2016: Trees for the Earth! join for 30 minutes practice then go to your lunch Coach Nikola Maricic join it with teaching you ancient qigong exercise that is considered mother of all Qigong or Holding the Tr...Read more

8 年多 前 37 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

2016 World Healing Day Macau

https://www.facebook.com/events/136426053424524/ Earth Day 2016 – Friday, April 22nd, the first in our five-year countdown to Earth Day’s 50th: Earth Day 2020! This is the perfect time to share with you our theme for Earth Day 2016: Trees for the Earth! join for 30 minutes practice then go to your lunch Coach Nikola Maricic join it with teaching you ancient qigong exercise that is considere...Read more

8 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Taichi and qigong free on this event held every year to let people and media experience benefits #macau #china

8 年多 前 30 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

『2016跆拳道選材日』完滿結束! 感謝所有參加之學員,以及各家長的支持! 入選名單將於4月10日公佈! 先欣賞今天選材日之部分精華照片。

2016年4月3日 #澳門跆拳道選材日

From Macao Daily news http://macaodaily.com/html/2016-04/04/content_1080701.htm 跆拳道世青賽爭獎牌 參加者接受速度測試 參加者接受體能測試 跆拳道世青賽爭獎牌 昨選材日近五十青少年參加 【本報消息】由跆拳道總會主辦,跆拳道選材日昨日於總會會址舉行,共吸引近五十名青少年運動員參加。跆總理事長黃偉沛期望,藉選材日發掘更多有潛質年青運動員,為代表隊未來發展鋪路。 新任教練金泰亨指,本澳年青運動員日常功課學習繁重,缺乏足夠的訓練時間。上任兩個多月,現時主要為搏擊運動員集中訓練拳擊、及後旋踢的得分技術,期望讓運動員在比賽中,盡量兩個回合以內贏出,迎戰本月台灣賽事及十一月的世界青年錦標賽,並以獎牌作為最大目標。金泰亨同時透露,除了搏擊、品勢(套路)集訓隊,現正着手籌備表演隊...Read more

8 年多 前 33 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Taekwondo classes in #Macau #跆拳道 #澳門 #澳门

8 年多 前 41 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Sweet delicious over load of love and joy before Thai massage

8 年多 前 32 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


artist, actor, and coach for artists


Macao, China
December 11, 2007