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World Arthritis Day 2014 Macau,.. by increasing vital energy join training and share to others in need http://t.co/eLF83DOjau #ireport

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World Arthritis Day 2014 by increasing vital energy

Join, share and benefit  https://www.facebook.com/events/1504363236484122/ http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1176581For World Arthritis Day Master coach Nikolas is offering classes for this day to all that needs them. Feel free to contact through Laoshi Wushu inbox  www.facebook.com/wushu.croatiaRead more

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Happy Teachers day Today (Sun 5th Oct, 2014) is World Teachers Day! https://t.co/EljmK8iaLL #worldteachersday via @daysoftheyear

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recommend it with heart, i learn from him for past 22 years

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Coach and Athlete wushunikolas 馬司洋 Master Coach Nikolas teachings introduction Class

CCTV “Behind the Mystery” Series: Taijiquan 太极拳秘境    http://tv.cntv.cn/video/C10397/7df4b9dc865f4c7fe00903b63dc45515 from 2.52 to 2.59 here you can see in red pants and white t-shirt master Nikolas under guidance of world Wushu Champion Qiu Hui Fang and 5th generation Yang style Master Cui Zhong San member of comitee of Beijing Wushu AssociationHere You can see ...Read more

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh8UfrMw8wM Do You Hear the People Sing? Who Hasn’t Been Woken Up Yet?

I ask who dares say nothing? I have sworn to guard our city.

I have the right and heart to take our destiny,

Who will keep silent? Who hasn’t been woken up yet?

Listen to the freedom sounding,

Inspired by conscience to join freedom singing.

Why would a dream still be a dream, and still have to dream again?

To stand up for right over wron...Read more

chat with master coach Nikolas about potential classes for increase and balance energy and strengthen… http://t.co/aiFeSXUc3I

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artist, actor, and coach for artists


Macao, China
December 11, 2007