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Nikola Maricic
Athlete , Sports Coach
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Wushu definitely should be in Olympic Games, its development is thousand of years back, and is a sport for ALL yet only fullly trained athletes can achieve highest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6OgHEeK058

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including exercises in business settings will make businesmen and businesswomen more open to new ideas and make them less tired and more effective as well as gain more clients with new way of connections Nikolas Maricic, Macau, China id, brought to Macau and Croatia 2 medals and pass the test for duanwei level from this amazing and large event in Shaolin 郑州国际少林武术节 2014 And 11 people out of 2000 people were choosen and received reward for contribution to theWushu art and sport on stage at closing ceremony of 10th International Shaolin Wushu Festival in Zhengzhou, Chin...Read more

coach and athlete Nikolas in HANBAN http://t.co/HXQRIr8Ia0

almost 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

lets see of 4500 friends how many will go like my new page most of them added me , more then 90 percent lets see how well they support me as i support my friends as well as i can www.facebook.com/taekwondonikolas

Amazing music from famous Monika Leskovar, allways playing from heart and soul

almost 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Enjoy some of my Taekwondo TIMELINE share too if you like most important send people to my classes https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1381859455439587.1073741828.1381788738779992&type=3&

Congratulations on great success

What You can achieve if you learn from Wushu Qigong Taekwondo Coach and Athlete Nikolas video: http://t.co/zTLNDSntaR via @YouTube

almost 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


artist, actor, and coach for artists

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Macao, China
Member Since
December 11, 2007