Check out some new studio shots : more
I just published a coffee table book on the daily life of Hong Kong People through the tram. Read all about it at http:/// or in this weeks HK mag and in Time Out. Better still go buy it at Dymocks, GOD or Bookazine....
I've just published a photography book on Tokyo. Go check it out and start Christmas shopping now.... m
I covered this for the Kung Fu festival organisers.
more on for nowRead more
Hello there, Some of you out there I know, some of you know me.. here is what i've been up to in the past 2 couple of months. i worked as set photographer on " Red Nights" a Chinese/ French movie starring Carrie Ngbest actress Golden Horse award 1993 I covered Music Matters 09 more
Having successfully taught myself how to hold a camera, I discovered an alternative to working in an office.This mademe cheerfull, pleasant and very attractive