Thank u #udhongkong for this beautiful #UrbanDecay x #GwenStefani limited edition eyeshadow palette! #UDxGwen
It was a bittersweet CNY for me while I received a lot of love from people when I was working, on the other side, I know many people were suffering. I believe in the end love always prevails, let's make it happen together! Styled by @equeen1113 #addoilhongkong #hongkong #hmv #hmvhongkong #hmvasia #nightlights #djlife #djmissyellow #cny #cny2016 #electronic #music #missyellow #mission
今年新年的心情好壞參, 在工作期間感受到身邊的人給我好多愛, 但另一邊又知道好多人在受苦, 我相信愛始終勝過一切, 大家都一齊努力吧!
今年新年的心情好壞參半, 在工作期間感受到身邊的人給我好多愛, 但另一邊又知道好多人在受苦, 我相信愛始終勝過一切, 大家都一齊努力吧! It was a bittersweet CNY for me while I received a lot of love from people when I was working, on the other side, I know many people were suffering. I believe in the end love always prevails, let's make it happen together!